Școala Duminicală 2022-2023
Dragi enoriași,
Folosiți formularul de aici pentru a vă înscrie împreună cu fiecare membru al familiei (de la 3 ani în sus) în programul școlii duminicale 2022 -2023.
În acest an fiecare familie este invitată să participe săptămânal la Sfânta Liturghie și orele de cateheză, precum și la întâlnirile duhovnicești programate lunar.
Tema Anului: Cele 10 porunci/Decalogul.
Date importante:
Prima oră de religie are loc pe 11 Septembrie după Sf. Împărtășanie. Nu avem ora de religie pe 23 Octombrie.
Prima întălnire duhovnicească are loc pe 18 Septembrie după masa duminicală. - Tema anului 2022-2023 Cele Zece Porunci
A doua întălnire duhovnicească are loc pe 16 Octombrie după masa duminicală cu participarea IPS Nathaniel.
A treia întălnire duhovnicească are loc pe 20 Noiembrie după masa duminicală. Tema Botezul – este Taina prin care omul, prin întreita cufundare în apă şi prin rostirea formulei botezului de către săvârşitor, intră în starea harică, curăţindu-se de păcatul strămoşesc şi devenind membru al Bisericii. Taina Botezului a fost instituită de Mântuitorul Hristos înainte de Înălţarea Sa la Cer, prin cuvintele: „Mergând, învăţaţi toate neamurile, botezându-le în numele Tatălui şi al Fiului şi al Sfântului Duh!” (Matei 28, 19).. Mirungerea – este acea Taină prin care noul botezat, îndată după botez, primeşte harul Duhului Sfânt, spre a se întări şi spori în noua viaţă dobândită prin Botez. „Iar Cel Care ne întăreşte pe noi… şi ne-a uns pe noi este Dumnezeu, Care ne-a şi pecetluit pe noi” (II Corinteni 1, 21- 22). - Repetitii colinde
A patra întălnire duhovnicească are loc pe 18 Decembrie după masa duminicală. Tema Taina Sfântului Maslu – este acea Taină în care, prin rugăciunile preoţilor şi prin ungerea cu untdelemn sfinţit, se împărtăşeşte creştinilor bolnavi harul vindecării de bolile sufleteşti şi trupeşti, precum şi iertarea de păcate. Practicarea obişnuită a acestei Taine este arătată la Iacob 5, 14-15: „De este cineva bolnav între voi, să cheme preoţii Bisericii şi să se roage pentru dânsul, ungându-l cu untdelemn întru numele Domnului. Şi rugăciunea credinţei va mântui pe cel bolnav… şi se vor ierta lui”.. - Repetitii colinde
A cincea întălnire duhovnicească are loc pe 29 Ianuarie după masa duminicală. Tema Taina Nunţii – Taina prin care un bărbat şi o femeie, care s-au hotărât liber să trăiască împreună, primesc prin rugăciunile preotului harul divin care sfinţeşte legătura lor. Familia a fost întemeiată de Dumnezeu în Rai: „Nu este bine să fie omul singur; să-i facem ajutor potrivit pentru el” (Facere 2, 18)..
A sasea întălnire duhovnicească are loc pe 19 Februarie după masa duminicală. Tema Sfânta Euharistie (Împărtăşania) – este Taina prin care, sub forma pâinii şi a vinului, creştinul se împărtăşeşte cu înseşi Trupul şi Sângele Domnului, prezente în mod real prin prefacerea elementelor la jertfa euharistică de la Sfânta Liturghie. A fost instituită de Mântuitorul la Cina cea de Taină, atunci când luând pâinea a zis: „Luaţi, mâncaţi, acesta este Trupul Meu…, apoi luând paharul şi mulţumind, a zis: Beţi dintru acesta toţi, acesta este Sângele Meu, al legii celei noi…” (Matei 26, 26-28).
A saptea întălnire duhovnicească are loc pe 19 Martie după masa duminicală. Tema Pocăinţa sau Mărturisirea – este Taina prin care creştinul, căindu-se de păcatele săvârşite şi mărturisindu-le înaintea duhovnicului, primeşte de la Dumnezeu, prin dezlegarea preotului, iertarea păcatelor. Această Taină a fost mai întâi făgăduită de Mântuitorul Apostolilor Săi: „Oricâte veţi lega pe pământ vor fi legate şi în Cer, şi oricâte veţi dezlega pe pământ vor fi dezlegate şi în Cer” (Matei 18, 18), iar după Învierea Sa a fost instituită ca Taină, când a zis „Luaţi Duh Sfânt, cărora le veţi ierta păcatele se vor ierta lor; şi cărora le veţi ține vor fi ţinute” (Ioan 20, 22-23).
Urmăriți lecțiile săptămânal pe această pagină? Please Scroll down!
Main Resources : Old Testament3-5yo | Episteles & Feasts | The 12 Major Feast of the Church | Y2AM BetheBee
Resources for Sept 11 - The first week of the Sunday School program.
Teens/Adults will use the image below on their phone screensaver for the coming weeks as a reminder to learn the prayer.
Families please watch the videos:
Families will read together about the Nativity of the Theotokos | Nativity of the Theotokos
Ask the kids:
Who/What is the Church?
Have them describe the church layout with as many details.
Will see you next week!
Resources for Sept 19 - The second week of the Sunday School program.
We will continue to learn the prayer mentioned above in either Romanian or English.
We discussed the story of Saint Helen and the finding of the Holy Cross. The Kids colored the icon. Please read it again with your family.
THE ELEVATION OF THE CROSS | The Exaltation of the Holy Cross
Ask your kids about the proper way to cross ourselves. Discuss why we keep the fingers in the way we do. Ask what each finger represents. We are
looking forward to seeing your kids next week.
Resources for Sept 25 - The THIRD week of the Sunday School program.
Start with the opening prayer (see above)
Weekly memory verse: (we asked the kids to learn this verse after we discussed its beautiful meaning)
“Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.”
Matthew 5:14-16
If your parish suddenly disappeared, would anyone notice? Are we living out the Gospel in our neighborhoods and communities?
Because we believe the same things the first Christians taught, but do we act like them?
Weekly reading: Matthew 5-7 ESV - The Sermon on the Mount - Seeing the - Bible Gateway (make a list of 3 things you would like to do this week after you discuss with your parents about The Sermon on the Mount. How can you better love your neighbor?)
Extra credit for parents and teens. Download the workbook from this link after you watch the video. Use this resource in your family for a deeper discussion on this critical subject.
The Creation (3-5 yo)
Resources for Oct 2 - The fourth week of the Sunday School program.
Start with the opening prayer (see above)
"One who every hour prepares himself to give answers for his own sins will not quickly lift up his head to examine the mistakes of others.”
(St. Gennadius of Constantinople)
It's easy to point our finger at someone else's mistakes rather than focus on our own. Why?
We have explored the Parable of the Unmerciful Servant and the two big things that make it easy to judge others.
Extra credit for parents. Download the workbook from this link after you watch the video. Use this resource in your family to help you focus on your sins, not others.
Please continue to learn this verse: - it helped a lot today to understand how we can get our minds to think about what is essential to do, to let our light shine when we feel tempted to judge or to sin in other ways.
“Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.”
Matthew 5:14-16
Kids came up with the following ideas to help them not to judge or fall into the temptation of the devil: “look at their watch and remember not to judge by the brokenness”; “stop and think: how would whatever we are about to say makes the other person feel.” -” If you have nothing good to say - do not say it.” “Pray quickly “ “Recite the above verse”.
Please address any questions you may have in our WhatsApp group.
Resources for Oct 9 - The fifth week of the Sunday School program.
"For indeed, the Kingdom of God is within you."
(Luke 17:21) - find this verse in the Bible.
Did you know? The word “bible”, though singular in form, comes from the plural Greek word βιβλία/biblia—the books. When trying to understand the Bible we are attempting to master the meaning of a library.
Sticking to our daily prayer rule can be tough! But why?
We'll explore the simple reason prayer can feel crammed into our day rather than a natural part of it. And we'll offer a simple way to help you transform wasted moments into opportunities for connection with God.
Repeat the Prayer: "Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner."
Extra credit for parents and teens: Read: How to Read the Bible - Orthodox Church in America (oca.org) also, review and discuss at home this beautiful prayer before reading the Holy Scripture: Common Prayers - Before Reading the Holy Scripture - Orthodox Church in America (oca.org)
NOAH ( 3-5 yo)
Resources for OCt 16 The sixth week of the Sunday School program
Main lesson: The Tower of Babel
Resources for OCt 23 The seventh week of the Sunday School program
Main lesson: Abraham
Resources for OCt 30 The eighth week of the Sunday School program
Main Lesson: Issac
Resources for Nov 6 The ninth week of the Sunday School program
Main lesson: Jacob
Nov 13, 20 Entrance of the Teotokos to the Temple , Dec 4, 11 preparation for Christmas caroling performance scheduled on dec 18th
Christmas vacation
Nativity of Christ | The Nativity of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in the Flesh
Resources for Jan 15 2023(+) Botezul Domnului (Boboteaza – Dumnezeiasca Arătare)The tenth week of the Sunday School program
Main lesson: Theophany | Epyphany of our Lord (click on the link to find the material)
We also talked about: Why Are Protestant, Catholic, and Orthodox Bibles Different ? & How can we use the Holy water?
The Bible has three major compositions. The word canon is used to identify the collection of sacred books that comprise the Bible. The canon of the Protestant Bible totals 66 books—39 Old Testament (OT) and 27 New Testament (NT); the Catholic Bible numbers 73 books (46 OT, 27 NT), and Greek and Russian Orthodox, 79 (52 OT, 27 NT) (Ethiopian Orthodox, 81—54 OT, 27 NT).
As you can see, the Protestant, Catholic, and Orthodox New Testament canons are identical. So how and why are the Old Testament canons different? Read more here.
Did you know?
Our teens started a bible study group Sunday after lunch in the parish house.
Join us!
Resources for Jan 22 2023 The eleventh week of the Sunday School program
Main lesson : Joseph #1 & Joseph #2 (click on the link to find the material)
Resources for Jan 29 2023 The twelfth week of the Sunday School program
Main lesson: Moses #1 & Moses #2 (click on the link to find the material)
Resources for Feb 5 2023(+) Întâmpinarea Domnului The thirtheenth week of the Sunday School program
Main lesson: The Meeting of the Lord | Presentation (click on the link to find the material)
Resources for feb 12 2023 The fourtheenth week of the Sunday School program
Main lesson: Balaam (click on the link to find the material)
Resources for feb 19 2023 The fifteenth week of the Sunday School program
Main lesson: Joshua (click on the link to find the material)
Resources for Feb 26 2023 The sixteenth week of the Sunday School program
Main lesson: Judges/Gideon (click on the link to find the material)
Resources for March 5 2023 The seventeenth week of the Sunday School program
Main lesson: Job (click on the link to find the material)
Resources for March 12 2023 The eighteenth week of the Sunday School program
Main lesson: Ruth (click on the link to find the material)
Resources for March 19 2023 The nineteenth week of the Sunday School program
Main lesson: Hannah / Samuel (click on the link to find the material)
Resources for March 26 2023(+) Buna Vestire The twentieth week of the Sunday School program
Main lesson: Annunciation | Annunciation of the Theotokos (click on the link to find the material)
Resources for april 2 2023 The twenty-first week of the Sunday School program
Main lesson: Saul (click on the link to find the material)
Resources for april 9 2023 (+) Intrarea Domnului în Ierusalim The twenty-second week of the Sunday School program
Main lesson: Palm Sunday | Palm Sunday (click on the link to find the material)
Resurse Săptămâna Mare ( Săptămâna Patimilor) | Resources for Holy Week
Resources for april 16 2023 (+) Învierea Domnului (Sfintele Paști) The twenty-third week of the Sunday School program
Main lesson: Pascha | Great and Holy Pascha (click on the link to find the material)
Resources for april 23 2023 The twenty-fourth week of the Sunday School program
Main lesson: David (to Goliath) (click on the link to find the material)
Resources for april 30 2023 The twenty-fifth week of the Sunday School program
Main lesson: David and Jonathon (click on the link to find the material)
Resources for may 7 2023 The twenty-fifth week of the Sunday School program
Main lesson: Solomon (click on the link to find the material)
Resources for may 14 2023 The twenty-sixth week of the Sunday School program (last class)
Main lesson: Year Fun Retrospective & Quiz
Summer Reading:
(+) Înălțarea Domnului
(celebrated each year on the fourthieth day after the Great and Holy Feast of Pascha/Easter)
(+) Pogorârea Sfântului Duh (Cincizecimea)
Pentacost | Sunday of the Holy Pentacost
(celebrated each year on the fithieth day after the Great and Holy Feast of Pascha/Easter)
Aug 6
Transfiguration | Transfiguration of our Lord
Aug 15
Dormation of the Teotokos | Dormition of the Theotokos